Research Center for Social Big Data
Member introduction
Director : ISHIKAWA Hiroshi, Professor |
Graduate School of Systems Design, Dept. of Computer Science |
TAKAMA Yasufumi, Professor | Graduate School of Systems Design, Dept. of Computer Science |
KOMACHI Mamoru, Associate Professor | Graduate School of Systems Design, Dept. of Computer Science |
YOKOYAMA Shohei, Associate Professor | Graduate School of Systems Design, Dept. of Computer Science |
YAMAGUCHI Toru, Professor | Graduate School of Systems Design, Dept. of Computer Science |
KIYA Hitoshi, Professor | Graduate School of Systems Design, Dept. of Computer Science |
Richard Chbeir, Professor | Laboratoire LIUPPA・Universite. de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour (UPPA) |
KURATA Yohei, Associate Professor | Graduate School of Urban Environmental Sciences, Dept. of Tourism Science |
Lieu-Hen Chen, Associate Professor | National Chi Nan University, Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering |
HIROTA Masaharu, Associate Professor | Department of Information Science, Faculty of Informatics, Okayama University of Science |
SHIMOKAWARA Eri, Assistant Professor | Graduate School of Systems Design, Dept. of Computer Science |
EHARA Yo, Lecturer | Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Comprehensive Informatics, Shizuoka Institute of Science and Technology |
ARAKI Tetsuya, Assistant Professor | Electronic and Informatics, Mathematics and Physics Course, Graduate School of Science and Technology, Gunma University |
KATO Daiju, Product Quality Manager | Executive Consultant, Nihon Knowledge Co.Ltd. |
YAMAMOTO Yukio, Assistant Professor | Department of Interdisciplinary Space Science, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, Institute of Space and Astronautical Science |
YOSHIDA Mitsuo, Assistant Professor | Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Toyohashi University of Science |
ENDO Masaki, Associate Professor | Information and Communication Engineering Unit, Division of Core Manufacturing, Faculty of Human Resources Development, Polytechnic University |
TSUCHIDA Masashi, Visiting Resercher | Graduate School of Systems Design, Dept. of Computer Science |
OHNO Shigeyoshi, Professor | Information and Communication Engineering Unit, Division of Core Manufacturing, Faculty of Human Resources Development, Polytechnic University |